Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Nightly Grind – Coping with Sleep Bruxism

Nightly tooth grinding is a taxing problem that can result in chronic headaches, earaches, jaw pain, worn tooth enamel and sometimes flattened, shortened or even broken teeth and fillings. Also known as sleep bruxism, nightly grinding plagues as much as 10 percent of the adult population and as many as one-third of children. And yet, it is still unclear what causes it.

Some studies have connected sleep bruxism to sleep apnea. In fact, research shows that treating sleep apnea may help alleviate sleep bruxism. Alcohol consumption, cigarette smoking, caffeine intake, snoring, excessive daytime sleepiness and certain medications also have been linked to sleep bruxism, according to the National Sleep Foundation.

Meanwhile, one recent Sleep study indicates that the “daily grind” also may contribute to nightly tooth grinding. In other words, people who are under high levels of stress or experience troubles at work may be more likely to grind their teeth at night. According to a report in Head & Face Medicine, gnashing teeth was especially common in those dealing with stressful work situations and it was particularly evident in people who cope with difficult situations by escaping. It is suggested then that tooth grinding is a way for the body to release pent up stress and anxiety.

If your sleep bruxism is related to stress, experts suggest trying to relax in the hours before bedtime to reduce stress levels and to maintain a regular soothing bedtime routine. Creating a sleep environment that is cool, dark, and quiet may also be helpful.

Other suggestions for coping with sleep bruxism include:

• Change sleeping positions. Tooth grinding has been linked to back sleeping. So, try to sleep on your side or your stomach to ease symptoms.

• Manage stress. Learn and implement relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or yoga. If your stress is severe, counseling may be a useful tool in alleviating tension.

• Get adequate sleep and exercise. Sleep deprivation and lack of physical exercise may increase stress and exacerbate tooth grinding.

• Focus on relaxing. During the day, relax your jaw and facial muscles and at bed engage in a soothing bedtime routine like a taking a warm bath, reading a good book or listening to soothing music.

• Soothe sore muscles. Apply ice for pain or use a warm, wet washcloth to relax tight muscles.

• Change your habits. Limit your caffeine and alcohol intake, especially before bed. And if you are a smoker, consider quitting.

• Visit your dentist. Your dentist can help realign your bite, build up worn-down teeth and fit you for a mouth guard.

• Change your medication. Talk to your doctor about the medications you are taking to determine if they may be causing sleep bruxism. Additionally, doctors can prescribe muscle relaxants if needed.

• Have a sleep study. Talk to your family doctor about a sleep study to determine if you have sleep apnea. Correcting sleep disorders can help control sleep bruxism.

If you or someone you know have sleep bruxism, it is important to seek treatment before permanent dental damage occurs. A sleep specialist, a dental sleep specialist or your family dentist may be a good place to start. Your dentist may suggest that you be fitted with a night guard, a plastic appliance that you wear at night to protect your teeth. This is custom fitted to your teeth during a dental visit and is sometimes prescribed in conjunction with a muscle relaxant. For children with sleep bruxism, symptoms can be discussed with your pediatrician.

This article has been taken from

Friday, September 23, 2011

Sleep apnea: more on sleeping

Just like drinking and driving, sleepiness and driving do not mix. In fact every day, sleepiness is a major cause of motor vehicle crashes. What’s more, a higher percentage of those crashes involving a person asleep at the wheel result in fatalities than those attributed to other causes, according to the American sleep apnea Association (ASAA).

Typically, sleepiness is caused by sleep deprivation, untreated sleep disorders, shift work and jet lag. The most common cause of sleepiness, or falling asleep at the wheel, is sleep deprivation. In fact, recent studies done by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) found that drowsy driving contributed to 100,000 crashes each year, ultimately killing more than 1,500 people and injuring another 71,000. And as many as 20 percent of serious car crashes involve some type of Sleep disorders according to New England Journal of Medicine.

In a study conducted by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), about half of truck crashes result in fatal or incapacitating injuries and in 87 percent of these crashes the truck driver was judged to be at fault. Furthermore, many accidents that involve buses and big rigs have been linked to drowsy operators who suffer from a sleep disorder. In fact, one study indicates that nearly 28 percent of commercial drivers have sleep apnea. Meanwhile, a separate study found that commercial drivers with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) were six times more likely to be involved in a traffic accident than the average driver and seven times more likely to have multiple accidents. Finally, experts maintain that commercial drivers have a higher percentage of sleep apnea than the general population because as a group they tend to be more obese than normal – particularly at a young age.

Not surprisingly then, sleep apnea is a major health and safety concern among commercial drivers who spend hours behind the wheel at a time. When left untreated, sleep apnea can make it difficult for them to stay awake, to focus, to remain alert and to react to driving situations. Many people with sleep apnea say they never fall asleep at the wheel, but they do not have to fall asleep to cause an accident. Lack of focus or being inattentive, which is common with sleep apnea, can also contribute to auto accidents. As a result, lives may be lost needlessly because sleep apnea is a treatable condition.

For this reason, the FMCSA is studying the effect of sleep apnea and its potential impact on truck drivers. In August, it will consider recommendations from its Medical Review Board and its Motor Carrier Safety Advisory Committee. Discussions will include testing all drivers for sleep apnea, how to treat the sleep apnea cases discovered and how this will impact driver certification.

The meeting is tentatively scheduled for August 29 in the Washington, D.C. area. It is hoped that they will be able to develop recommendations for agency action at this meeting. Although this meeting may not lead to actual rulemaking on sleep apnea, it does advance the issue. Currently, the rules do not explicitly require testing and treatment.

Initial reports indicate that the board believes that the diagnosis of sleep apnea should not necessarily bar a driver from certification. Instead, they would like for certification to be conditional based on the severity of the sleep apnea, its impact on a driver’s sleepiness and whether or not the driver is getting the treatment he or she needs.

Overall, both the sleep community and the commercial driving industry want to improve the health, safety and well-being of commercial drivers while minimizing fatigue-related accidents on the road. But what concerns the transportation industry is that in an effort to improve safety, they will be faced with a number of restrictions which can mean smaller paychecks and lower standard of living for drivers and less profitability for the industry as a whole.

The key then, is to find a solution that both sides can feel comfortable with. According to experts, the solution should ensure that public safety is improved, operational efficiency is maintained, and the individual driver's job security is not threatened by a diagnosis of sleep apnea. Additionally, there should be some type of process to ensure the driver is getting treatment, following the directions of his or her doctor and improving due to treatment.

For more information on this issue, visit the ASAA website ( and the FMCSA website (

This article has been taken from